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Well, here is the page with writing on it
In the words of the famous John F Kennedy: "Hello" I would like to increase the amount of ideas flowing through your tiny little minds by doing the following. This you must remember. Matt somers, alan wilson, noel smyth and shane parsons are in fact the highest powered being in the world, we possess powers which are incredible even to us. these powers include the power of walking, and speech. we also have the power to play instruments incredibly well, good enough to make a dead dingo roll over a fat toad without even waking it up from its 3 year hibernation. Some people have said that matt somers has the singing ability of mariah carey, and noel can play the drums better than fat albert in lolly shop.

Person of the week.
Alan Wilson
This guy is the coolest guy in the world
This guy can get anyone out of any problem
This guy knows what's right
This guy knows what's wrong
This guy is soo rad
This guy is me, hehehe
  Weekly Joke
Why did the Golfer bring two pairs of pants to his Match?

Incase he got a hole in one

Some interesting facts about he band
*Alans original name was destructo, but h changed it to Alan due to the Wall St. collapse.
*Matt somers isn't really a girl (sorry to dissapiont you boys)
*Shane Parsons can eat out of his ears
*Noel Smyth is ahhhhh, he has nothing exciting, he is just a normall boy.

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The band is currently in a cool situation
Although we don't wear wu-tang, we don't rap about getting hot, and we don't wear wu-tang, we are still really really cool. Well that is what my mum says, she tells me everyday "I don't care what the boys may say, but you are really really cool". She combs my hair the cool way!!

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Alans story for Shalom day red faces - 2001
The other day I walked into a bar, gees it hurt, and the brunette sitting next to me rolled her eyes at me, so I picked them up and rolled them back. I decided to leave and go back to my apartment. When I got there, I decided to take the elevator upstairs. Gee it was heavy! I finally got into my room, and closed the door. Then I noticed that some gay burglars had invaded my place, they didn’t take anything, just rearranged my furniture. I walked into the kitchen and heard a tap on the door. What a funny place to keep a tap. I picked up the newspaper. Started reading the articles: The number one killer in Australia is death. Also, a truck full of hair was stolen today, police are combing the area. I glanced toward the window, and noticed a tall blonde walking past my window. I KNOW she was tall, because I live on the 3rd floor... Before I went to work, I decided to watch the exorcist for about the 50th time. I don’t know what possessed me. It was hot so I got out my fan, who just sits there telling me how great I am. When I left my apartment, I went past my next door neighbor who used to breed sheep, until he found out they could do it themselves. My job is to instruct people on driving. I had to fail a leper the other day, left his foot on the accelerator.

This is the bands mascot....Kalapalapoojab
What happened here is top secret, so its just between you and me and the cactus's sandwich. One day, alan was on his daily nude run through the toxic waste and weird animal making chemical plant, and he fell into a tub of lard, but this lard was mutated sloth lard. and thus Kalapalapoojab was born.